We made our first trip to the grocery store where I bought wine and nutella:) Holly made a wonderful lunch of gnocchi and fish! This is the first time we are both living in a house without 89 other girls!
The first night Holly and I went to dinner with Kate at the cutest place right off the main street called Le Tastevin. The waiters were so nice and couldn't wait to practice their english on us.
The second day Alison arrived and we walked around the city. The duomo, medieval churches, fortified walls, and breath taking views cannot even be described. While at the park overlooking the Tuscan hills we had our first encounter with a creepy Italian man named Eugene; I guess it is out of the way now. He claimed to speak "perfect American." Lets just say, Eugene had a rattail. I don't think Italian men will be my cup of tea.
We then met up with everyone from the program and went on a walking tour of the town guided by Kate. A fabulous dinner followed at a local pizza place and the night was a success! It ended on our rooftop terrace with a bottle of wine and we were in bed by midnight. Its a fun group! Orientation is tomorrow bright and early!